From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Admin

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Use project templates

Use project templates

- [Instructor] One of the most important aspects of creating plant 3D models and drawings is to make that you're creating the drawings based on either your company or your client's drawing standards. The easiest way to ensure this is to set up a drawing template where all the layers, line types, scales, title blocks, are all predefined and have been checked for accuracy. Once the template's been created, we can set this as the default for each new drawing. We can set the locations of template in the Project Setup window, like this. So we're going to navigate to Open, Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter 03, Project, XML. So let's take a look at our project setup. So under project paths, we're going to take a look at the P&ID template. So you'll notice there's no project path, per se. This is being relatively path to your C drive to the default AutoCAD template location. So let's take a look at where that resides. So I'm going to come down to our Windows and under C, Users, so under your…
