From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Admin

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Understand ProjSymbolStyle.dwg

Understand ProjSymbolStyle.dwg

- [Narrator] Many of the symbols that are contained in your Plant 3D project are stored as blocks in the projsymbolstyle.dwg file. This file's critical to your project and it must be controlled and backed up on a regular basis. Let's discuss this a little further. Let's navigate to our exercise files. We go to our open, desktop, exercise files, chapter one, project.xml. Now, when we're working with the Plant 3D project, all of our blocks and 3D component information, valve tagging, ortho tagging, all these blocks and symbols that we use are all stored inside the project symbol style dwg. So let's navigate out and take a look at this file, see where this resides in windows. So you'll find this file under desktop, exercise files, chapter one, and under the chapter one root heading, if you scroll down, you'll find the project symbol style dwg. Now the name of this file, it's quite unusual, but it's imperative that you don't ever rename this file. This name is hard coded into the coding…
