From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Admin
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Set up project paths - AutoCAD Plant 3D Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Admin
Set up project paths
- [Narrator] One of the advantages of using an intelligent plant design program is that we can control the location of our project files much faster than we could using regular AutoCAD. This is because the drafters and designers could create files wherever they wanted. This made it difficult as an administrator to know if you were seeing the latest version of the drawing or if, in fact, you were actually seeing the only version of a drawing. With a project based system, we can control exactly where all our drawings are created and stored. So let's navigate to our exercise file. Open, Desktop, Exercise File, Project Three, project.xml So let's take a look at our project drawings here. I'm going to just pull my window out a little bit and take a look at our Plant 3D Drawing. So if I locate 03_05 equipment, we can see the location of the file down here. It's on the Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter 03, Plant 3D Models. So let's take a look at the project set up. So I'm going to come back…
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