From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D 2021 Essential Training

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Preparing a map book

Preparing a map book

- [Instructor] In order to create a Map Book, we need a number of files ready to go. We need the Main Map DWG, the Overview Map DWG, and an AutoCAD template, a DWT that contains the Default Plotter Layout, and the viewports for the map, Overview Map and the grid number. Let's get all that ready now, in our Golf DWG, let's add the curbs, the hydrology, the parcels and the streets. Drag and drop them in, and let's prepare this map. First I'm going to drag the parcels down to the bottom. I'm going to make that a lighter color of brown, for the parcels, and I'm going to make it semi transparent. So let's do that, let's bring it down a little bit, and transparency set it to say 50%, great. Now above that we have streets let's change them to red instead of the default color. So the color is red for the streets apply and then we'll have the curbs we're going to make them a light gray color, but we only want them on when we zoom…
