From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The Hank Marvin multihued delay trick

The Hank Marvin multihued delay trick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The Hank Marvin multihued delay trick

- [Instructor] Hank Marvin is one of the most influential guitar players ever with everyone from Eric Clapton, David Gilmore, Jeff Beck, and Neil Young crediting him with the way they play. One of the coolest thing about Hank is the unique delay sound he gets on instrumental hits like Apache and Geronimo. These come from vintage Binson Echorec and Meazzi Echomatic multihead tape delay units. Here's a way to simulate that smooth Hank Marvin sound. So the first thing we need to simulate a multihead tape delay unit is to use three different delays. So I have them over here on the right. I have HM Delay 1 for Hank Marvin delay one, HM Delay 2 for Hank Marvin delay two, HM Delay 3 for Hank Marvin delay three, and of course, these are mono. So on the very first one, we're going to put a delay time of 199 milliseconds. And we're not going to do anything else. There's going to be no feedback, so there'll be no repeats. Just 199 milliseconds. On our second delay, we're going to set this at 353…
