From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Make those toms bombastic

Make those toms bombastic - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Make those toms bombastic

- There are times where the song calls for a larger than life tom sound that almost takes your breath away. Here's how to get that big booming tom sound. First of all let's listen to the song. We're right up against a big big tom fill. So listen that what it's like in context. (mellow music) Once more. (mellow music) Doesn't sound too bad. Lets listen to the toms isolated. (drums playing) Well they sound pretty lifeless actually. So what we're going to do is help them along. And as you can see there's four toms. And all of the toms actually are subgrouped. And what that does is it kind of makes our life easy. If the toms are very well-tuned and they sound pretty good together, then what you can do is just E-Q the subgroup, and compress the subgroup, and do whatever you have to off the subgroup. If the drum sound very different together, then you'd have to individually E-Q and compress them. In this case they sound like they come from the same kit. There's not a big problem between…
