From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Finding the Elton John piano sound

Finding the Elton John piano sound - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Finding the Elton John piano sound

- [Lecturer] Early Elton John records had a very distinctive sounding piano. Some of that was due to the piano at Triton studios, but some of it was due to an interesting signal path setup that you'll see here. First of all, let's listen to the song with the piano in it, and then I'll solo the piano. (rock music) (piano music) It sounds pretty good, it's pretty balanced but low and high frequencies, but we can still make it better. Now one of the distinctive things about the sound of the Trident piano was that fact that it was a very hard sounding piano so it had a lot of high end and that's what we're going to add. But there was also another secret and that was due to engineer Ken Scott and the processing that he used on Elton's piano. So first we're going to start with and la2a and you can use any kind of la2a simulation that you have or you can use something that's a soft compressor so it should have a soft attack, preferably some sort of a tube emulation compressor. We're going to…
