From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

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Metering while mastering

Metering while mastering

There are more Metering Tools available to the mastering engineer than the simple metering that we are used to during recording, because the Mastering process requires a lot more visual input to tell you the things that you need to know. Paying attention to the meters is extremely important in mastering, much more so than mixing, especially when you are trying to achieve hot levels. Typically, the mastering engineer will look at the following: A PPM meter or a Peak Program Meter, a Spectrum Analyzer, sometimes called a Real-Time Analyzer or an RTA, a Phase Correlation Meter, a Phase Oscilloscope, and a Dynamic Range Meter. A Peak Meter is what's found on virtually every piece of Digital Equipment and Plug-in, since it has an extremely fast response. This has become a necessity for digital recording, because any signal beyond 0 dB causes a very nasty distortion. All Peak Meters have a red over indicator that lets you know you've exceeded the zone of audibly clean level. VU Meters found…
