From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

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Why do we use reverb?

Why do we use reverb?

When we record we can choose to place our microphones, musicians, and their instruments in environments that have a unique sounding reverberation or in an environment with very little reverb at all. When you're working in a live room, which is how we describe rooms that have naturally occurring ambience and reverberation, you're going to want to capture the sound of the room using a separate microphone. Have a listen to the sound of a close-miked acoustic guitar in a live room with the sound of this room mike added to the mix. (music playing) The ambient room contributes to the sound by adding a bit of shimmer and glow, particularly to the more articulated notes in David's performance. While recording the unique reverberant quality of our space can lead to amazing tracks, most of the time we record with little to no natural reverb, and add artificial reverb later as a separate effect. Here is the sound of the same guitar in a sound booth, acoustically designed to have very little…
