From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb
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Touring the interfaces for six reverb plugins
From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb
Touring the interfaces for six reverb plugins
We've talked about the anatomy of reverb drawing a distinction between the early reflections and the reverb tail that follows. And we've worked through the essential parameters of Reverb Time, pre-delay, wet/dry mix, any frequency adjustments, plus the other less precise parameters like diffusion, density, and so on. Let's review some plug-ins and see if we can stay oriented. Have patience, the fantastic capability of plug-ins today means that some of them open to a screen with many confusing at first parameters. We look for the essentials, then we look for the bells and whistles. Let's start with D-Verb, a stock ProTools plug-in. This is an easy-to-use plug-in that lets you tweak the essential parameters and move on. As we look around, we see nothing that addresses early reflections separate from the reverb. For this plug-in, as with many others, the early reflections are still part of the sound we just can't get at them directly. It's a little bit like using a semi-parametric EQ…
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The anatomy of reverberation3m 8s
Mastering reverb time, predelay, and wet/dry mix parameters5m 36s
Understanding the frequency dependence of reverberation4m 56s
Tapping into advanced parameters such as diffusion, density, and more4m 37s
Reference values from the best orchestra halls5m 40s
Hearing beyond the basic parameters5m 31s
Touring the interfaces for six reverb plugins9m 42s