From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb
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Tapping into advanced parameters such as diffusion, density, and more
From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb
Tapping into advanced parameters such as diffusion, density, and more
While reverb Time, Pre-Delay, Wet/Dry Mix, and the spectral manipulation of Reverb Time are common, nearly universal parameters, you'll see other terms that are less well defined and aren't particularly consistent from one make and model of reverb to another. Terms like Diffusion, Density, Room Size, and similar words sometimes appear as adjustable parameters on our reverbs. Remember, all of the parameters are there to give us some ways recording engineers to interact with qualities of the reverb, but reverb is itself such a complex and musical sound, and we savored it in part by listening to fine details and attributes not captured by the core reverb parameters. The number of individual contributing reflections within the impulse response is sometimes an audible trait. Surfaces, like the wall behind me, are common design features in concert halls and recording studios. These highly articulated, geometrically complex surfaces come in many forms, all with the goal of breaking up the…
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The anatomy of reverberation3m 8s
Mastering reverb time, predelay, and wet/dry mix parameters5m 36s
Understanding the frequency dependence of reverberation4m 56s
Tapping into advanced parameters such as diffusion, density, and more4m 37s
Reference values from the best orchestra halls5m 40s
Hearing beyond the basic parameters5m 31s
Touring the interfaces for six reverb plugins9m 42s