From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

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Shaping tone and timbre with reverb

Shaping tone and timbre with reverb

From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

Shaping tone and timbre with reverb

The acoustic guitar is a great instrument for demonstrating the timbral effect of reverb. Listen out to David as he plays his acoustic guitar tracked without effects. (music playing) This guitar tone is beautiful as is and could be further reshaped with compression and EQ and Delay, but we'll take it two different directions here using reverb. One production approach will make it sound fuller, deeper, warmer. It's just an acoustic guitar whose lowest frequency note is around 80 hertz. But now, let's send it to a medium room whose low-frequency Reverb Time lasts longer than its high frequency reverb times. (music playing) Notice that with the reverb on, the acoustic guitar sounds fuller and warmer, and this is achieved not with EQ, but simply by using a reverb whose frequency parameters are set so that the low-frequency reverb times last longer than the mid and high frequency reverb times. Orchestra sound full and lush by playing in those big halls with low-frequency reverb extension…
