From the course: Audio for Video Editors: Essential Terms

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Identifying frequencies

Identifying frequencies

- Now that we understand the component of a sound wave, we're going to jump into Premiere so you can actually see the frequencies and how it correlates to the pitch so you can start understanding the world around you, not just in your NLE, and how frequency and pitch affects your work. So we're jumping right into Premiere, and we can choose any of these sound effects. Let's see, let's do jet. And the easiest way to see the frequencies for this jet is to actually take it into Audition. So if you don't know how to take a clip into Audition, you right click and you Edit in Adobe Audition, you choose Clip, and it opens up and it extracts the audio so that the original is kept and the extracted audio is sent over to Audition. It's very slick. Oh, and look, we suddenly see this orange and red mess, and we're like, well, how does that equal frequency? So if you look over here to your right, you see Hertzes, and it goes all the way from, say, 20, 25 kilohertz all the way down to, you know…
