From the course: Asset Accounting: Acquisitions in SAP S/4HANA
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Multi-dimensional asset reports demo - SAP ERP Tutorial
From the course: Asset Accounting: Acquisitions in SAP S/4HANA
Multi-dimensional asset reports demo
- [Instructor] The Asset Balances report is a good example of a multidimensional report. So I'll choose that. The selection criteria appear in a popup box at the beginning and usually have mandatory fields that must be filled in. The key figure group field is usually prefilled and most of the other fields are obvious. However, the currency type is 10 for the company code currency, rather than the currency itself, like USD. If you choose, for example, period 12 as the to period, you will see accumulated values for the whole year. Most multidimensional reports behave in a similar way. So once you know how to manage one, you can manage most of them. The screen is split into a number of areas. Bottom right is the results of the report but this is also split in two. On the left, the headings and on the right, the values. You can see this by the two scroll bars at the bottom. On the left-hand side, you have one…
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