From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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- One of the keys to avoiding an interrogation session is understanding that we have to earn the right to ask our customers questions. Think about it this way. If you were to walk into a department store looking for a new suit, and you were greeted at the door by someone who says, "Hi, my name is Jeff. What's your height and weight? What's your favorite color? How much are you planning on spending at the store today?" Et cetera, et cetera. How likely are you to want to answer those questions or even shop at the store? See, those questions might be appropriate at some point, but not until you're comfortable with the person and the environment, and are sure that they're not there to sell you something you don't need or want. You have to earn the right to ask these questions. So how do we do that? By framing the questions around what your prospect cares about with what we call insights. On the surface, they may look…
