From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Solution: Break the API

Solution: Break the API - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Solution: Break the API

(upbeat music) - [Presenter] It is always fun to break things. So hopefully, you had a lot of fun trying to break the API. I know of a couple of ways to break this API that I'll show you now, but I wish I could see some of the things that you found. Feel free to share them in the Q and A comments for this course if you want. I'm sure that with your creativity, some of you'll have found issues that I don't even know about. Well, let's take a look at the era that I do know about. I'm not going to go straight to the issue, but instead I want to show you how I might approach this challenge and maybe more naturally discover them. So we'll start with just sending a get request to the tasks endpoint to see the list of tasks that is in this app. And I'll just pick any random one. So I'll go with the first one here. So task 76, let's take a closer look at that. We'll send that request and everything looks fine here. So let's try…
