From the course: Animation for Social Media
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Bending a layer
From the course: Animation for Social Media
Bending a layer
- [Instructor] Now it's time to animate our main hero, this saxophonist player, and we should do it with style, because look at this guy, he has so much style, bending back like this, almost telling us how he wants to be animated, which is of course, using the CC bender effect. Okay, I'm going to select the saxophonist layer here. I'll go to the beginning, then I'll make sure I can see the effects under the Effects & Presets and start to type bender. under the Effects & Presets and start to type bender. This should isolate under the Distort category, the CC bender effect. If I double-click on the effect, it will add this effect to the layer and bend it in a slant-like manner. To show you what I mean, I need to work with this amount value. You also have a few styles here, which you can explore. I'm going to leave it in its default bend style. We're going to see what Adjust to Distance is doing in a moment, but for now, I'm…
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