From the course: Animate CC: Storyboarding
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Doing it wrong: do's and dont's - Adobe Animate Tutorial
From the course: Animate CC: Storyboarding
Doing it wrong: do's and dont's
- [Instructor] So I'd like to wrap up with some discussion about overall do's and dont's, things that you really should do and shouldn't do. And the big takeaway that you should have from this is that's it's really important that you nest scenes inside symbols. In other words, remember how we made a template, a box or a container folder for all of our scenes. And then every scene that followed was a duplicate of that. By doing that, all of our scenes are consistent with one another. They're all more or less, or exactly the same size. You can move elements from one to the other and they'll be pretty close to the same scale. And it's easier to swap one out for the other without weird things happening. You don't just draw willy-nilly. So you keep the library clean. You use folders, and you name your files as you go. Don't get lazy, because the person that pays the price could be your co-worker, it could just as easily be you. You want to have a logical naming system. Don't just name…
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