From the course: Aligning Sales and Marketing
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Integrated relationship
From the course: Aligning Sales and Marketing
Integrated relationship
- When your sales and marketing teams are aligned, they are finally in a place where full integration is possible. Full integration, like alignment, will see sales and marketing teams work together, but there are some key differences. Here are the two main ways I've seen this done well. Number one, integrated sales and marketing teams colocate. There's something to be said about proximity and in my career most sales and marketing teams are physically and sometimes mentally on different planets. And yes, as a sales leader, I'm fully aware of how loud sales floors can be. Gongs, terrible house music, Red Bull, but integrated sales and marketing teams have a new shared culture. They create a space that works for both teams because an increase in interaction typically leads to better work. Number two, integrated sales and marketing teams have better feedback loops. The best thing I've ever done in my career is appoint a…
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