From the course: Aligning Sales and Marketing
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Feedback loops
From the course: Aligning Sales and Marketing
Feedback loops
- One of the biggest complaints I've heard from my marketing colleagues over the years is sales people are too busy to share their feedback. In my experience, it's less about them being too busy and more about it not being a priority. Sales people don't want to waste their precious time sharing feedback when they have quotas to hit. Therein lies the conflict. The sales force has to be better about providing feedback period. There is no excuse. When salespeople provide genuine feedback to the marketing team, their leads get better, their close rates go up and they close faster. At DigitalMarketer, we know these benefits. And thus, we've made providing feedback mandatory. A great way to implement this feedback loop is to create key messaging data using fields in your CRM system. Keep it simple. Create one or two messaging fields to capture information, such as objections that came up during the call, and key pain points…
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