From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations
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Who the product owner collaborates with?
From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations
Who the product owner collaborates with?
- On agile teams the focus on collaboration should not be minimized and this applies to the product owner too. As an integral part of the agile team the product owner has a large mission. A full-time product owner interacts with many roles in the organization and on the team through facilitating, face-to-face meetings, collaborating and influencing. Let's look at each role more specifically. First, the scrum master, project manager or team lead. Let's call this role the team leader for brevity though I realize you use any of these titles. The product owner and team leader work together frequently to lead and guide the team on the product vision and shared understanding of the features being developed, they also collaborate on refining the backlog. Though it's the product owners responsibility the team leader is in a great position to help out. These two roles also collaborate on motivating the team with engaging…
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