From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations
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Themes, features, epics, and user stories
From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations
Themes, features, epics, and user stories
- [Presenter] If you've been working in an agile environment, you've probably heard of terms like user story, theme, feature and epic. Let's talk about some guiding principles for these terms that are often used in different ways. What I find is that all teams use the terms a bit differently and there is no magic threshold when moving from one term to another. Consider the concept of progressive elaboration, going from high level or big picture down to the details by chunking out functionality. These terms are often used to break down levels of detail and there isn't a hard and fast structure that teams must use. It's more important to progressively elaborate than to fill in categories. Let's start with the term theme. A theme is commonly used as a way to describe a group of functionality. In our Go Health app example, the view schedules could be considered a theme. Next, let's look at features. These can be easily…
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