From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Refining the backlog

Refining the backlog

- Refining the backlog is an ongoing focus of the product owner and a hefty task that requires daily attention. It involves continually estimating, analyzing, prioritizing, and breaking down stories in order to ensure the upcoming sprints have what the team needs to keep delivering. The backlog is a funnel-shaped list of stories with features that are prioritized and aligned to the product vision, roadmap, and release plan. Some backlog refining is done in a formal meeting called a product backlog refining session, or also called a backlog refinement meeting. Here, the team gets together to discuss backlog items, context, and continue to review the backlog. The goal is to make sure that the team has a queue of work ready to go at the right levels of detail. The team looks at the short, medium, and long-term views of the product. Backlog refining meetings should be happening every couple of weeks. The product owner also…
