From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Day in the life of an agile product owner

Day in the life of an agile product owner

From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

Day in the life of an agile product owner

- Being a product owner is a full-time job and more. If it's a part-time role for you, your project may be in trouble. Many teams also use a business analyst as part of the product owner team to take on some of the work because the workload is really that intense. So what does the typical day of a product owner look like? Well, you'll see a variety of meetings, facilitation and analysis tasks, along with relationship building, negotiating and reviewing software progress from the previous day. It's a fun and exciting role that is challenging to say the least. You'll likely start your day at the team standup meeting. And following that, review some work completed by the team and provide some feedback on software progress. From there, you may have some spontaneous or planned meetings with the team, product management and leaders. You'll also be preparing for some meetings that you facilitate about the product and do some…
