From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Common myths of agile product ownership

Common myths of agile product ownership

From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

Common myths of agile product ownership

- I love to watch those myths debunking shoes on TV, probably because I'm curious and love to learn. Let's take a minute and hear about some common Agile Product Owner myths and debunk them. All right, let's get started. Myth number one, there's no planning. Well, as we've seen in the course thus far, planning is paramount to Agile success. In Agile, we plan differently. We plan the product more than the project. We plan with increments of value and only the team task detail for the upcoming priorities and sprint. In Agile, value is the driver of planning, where scope, time and budget can change as the team discovers where value comes from and determines how customers and markets react to the product. We can cut time and budget short, or we can extend it to cover new scope items. I like to think of it like a vacation where I may have a fixed budget and timeline, but each day, I can decide how to make my vacation…
