From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Analyze a roadmap's value and risk

Analyze a roadmap's value and risk

- Studies have shown that we often build products and features that aren't valued by users or don't provide value back to the organization. In fact, the products may create more problems in cost. The product owner needs to assess what features make sense to deploy first from the perspective of customer value, organizational value, and risk. Value thinking and value analysis are key skills the product owner and team use to create the roadmap and release plans. Value thinking involves understanding what features are of the most value and in what general order. It involves thinking about how every piece ultimately impacts the customer. Some thought provoking questions that help product owners and the team determine this are what are the users or customers most basic needs and what do they expect at a most basic level? Next, what if absent, will make customers dissatisfied with the product? Then consider what features are…
