From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Agile product vision

Agile product vision

- Do you ever feel like you need a crystal ball for a project and a product? What are we really building? Without a product vision direction is misunderstood. The team feels disconnected, disagreement and misunderstanding happens on the team as each individual's ideas of the vision takeover. The product owner doesn't just create and communicate the product vision, but goes even further to make sure the team fully understands it. It requires understanding the drivers and goals of the product and being able to communicate this in multiple ways. A great product vision inspires the team to common goals, creates a framework for dialogue and paints a picture for the team when working together. So you're probably wondering what does a product vision consist of? I like to think of a product vision in five interrelated parts. First, the target group, the target group identifies who the product is mainly built for. This…
