From the course: Agile Development Practices

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Handling leapfrogging bugs

Handling leapfrogging bugs

- [Instructor] Now that we've talked about test-driven development and manual testing, we're going to take a detour into something I call leapfrogging bugs. The basic idea is this. Let's say we have Spring 1 finished up and we're starting Sprint 2 right away. Ideally, we'd have done some quality assurance testing as part of the end of Sprint 1, but it's not always that easy. There'll always be bugs that come up after the fact. Now we're in the middle of Sprint 2 and a few bugs and change requests come back into the backlog. Now here's the problem. We're already doing new work on a new sprint deliverable and the rules of Agile are designed to keep sprint tasks locked in once the sprint starts. This stops them getting added to on the fly and generally making everybody angry. So how do we deal with this? First, it's a good idea to record what version specific bugs are found in. This is just good practice and common…
