From the course: Agile Development Practices

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Continuous integration

Continuous integration

- [Instructor] So far, we've addressed a few of the ways you can handle continuous testing in your Agile projects. The next question is how do we handle integrating code from multiple developers so that our code base doesn't fragment? As our problem suggests, we need something that can handle code integration and later deployment with multiple developers working concurrently. Enter continuous integration. Continuous integration is the answer to a question. How can a project with multiple developers committing code be efficiently and thoroughly tested without having to throw major time at it? Ideally, whatever CI tool you use, the process goes something like this. Every time a new commit is pushed to your project repository, it's tested against a defined test suite. And if it passes muster, it's deployed to either a testing platform or released to the public. I like to think of this process as taking a TDD approach to…
