From the course: Agile Development Practices
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Avoiding premature optimization
From the course: Agile Development Practices
Avoiding premature optimization
- [Instructor] There's a dark side to designing your code to be super flexible and adaptive, and that's premature optimization. Okay, so that's all well and good, but what exactly is premature optimization? I like to think of it as the rabbit hole. The deeper you go, the less likely you are to realize you've lost sight of the immediate development goals. Let's keep on going with our color palette analogy from earlier videos. If I was trying to think of a flexible way to create one in code, I'd start with storing my base colors and I'd probably add some sort of conversion helper, then I'd sit back and being the curious programmer that I am, I might start to think about what I might need in the future. Will I need to put in gradients at any point? Well, yes, probably. All right, so let's look at some documentation for that, maybe some third-party libraries to make things go faster, and start to flush out the color…