From the course: After Effects Weekly

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White balance with Divide

White balance with Divide - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

White balance with Divide

- [Instructor] Welcome to After Effects weekly. You already know who I am so let's get on with it. In this episode, we'll use a blending mode that almost no one uses to help us fix color casting issues. So I have couple of examples here. Let's start with this erupting gazer, which is just amazing, but we can also say that there is an obvious blue, color cast to the image. So I'll pause the playback over here. I'll make sure nothing is selected. And I'll double click on the rectangle tool, and this is going to create a shape layer with my last settings. Now, we don't need any stroke, so I'll make the stroke transparent and then I'll hide the layer temporarily so I can actually sample the blue color from the water here and I'll do it by clicking on the field color. I'll use the eyedropper and sample this color over here, I'll click okay. I'll re-enable the layer and then I'll switch the blending mode to the divide…
