From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Useful utility effects

Useful utility effects

- [Eran] Hey, everyone. Eran Stern here with another After Effects weekly episode. And in this movie, we'll investigate the effects under the utility category. Those seven effects works best with 32 bits per channel color mode. So, as a first step, I'll make sure to change the project bit depth by alt clicking twice over here. In this column, I have three layers that were created by Promotheus, a TV broadcasting post-house in Tel Aviv. If you'd like to see more of their work, you can visit their website, And so, in this mock-up example, we are celebrating the new and last season of Game of Throne. It will be available locally on this company named Yes. I'll start by selecting the sword layer that was rendered in 3D using a hight bit depth EXR format. The thing with this frame is that in this case it's actually using the wrong color profile. So if you want to convert it to a different profile, one way to work is to use the Color Profile Converter effect from the utility…
