From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Reverse stabilization

Reverse stabilization

- [Instructor] After Effects is so deep these days it often provides more than one solution to a problem, especially when it comes to tracking and stabilizing. For example, there is a trick where you can lock off the camera movement in the shot, add another layer on top of it, and then re-introduce the camera movement. This is also known as reverse stabilization, and it's quite easy to pull off. Here, let me show you how to do it. So, in this case, I have this handheld clip of a billboard with an empty off white paper, and I want to stick on it this animated poster for a font named Mekomi. So I'll select the clip and, first, I'll apply the Warp Stabilizer VFX to it. Under the stabilization result, I'll choose No Motion. Now, of course, this is a background operation, so you can do other things in the same project while After Effects analyze and stabilize this clip. But since this is a short one, I'll just wait for the…
