From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Render faster

Render faster

- [Instructor] Hey, I'm Eran Stern, and I welcome you to After Effects weekly. This time, I'll show you how to speed up rendering times in After Effects. We all know that render time can vary a lot. Sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint exactly why some projects render faster than others. The After Effects developers at Adobe used the phrase, "All the pixels all the time," to refer to the underlying philosophy behind the way that After Effects renders. While there are several ways to interpret exactly what this means, one of the ways to think about it is that all the pixels in a layer are being processed, even if there are not visible. So in this project, for example, we can speed up our render by cropping one of the layers to be only as large as it needs to be. So we're not wasting time processing pixels that aren't needed. All right, so I'll pose the playback and I'll select this composition. I'm also going to solo…
