From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Quick multi-plane

Quick multi-plane

- [Eran] Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of After Effects Weekly. My name is Eran Stern, and this time I'm going to show you how to separate cards in 3D space parenting and as simple camera animation. All right, so escape out of this view, and I'm going to select one of these layers and go to the edit menu and choose Edit Original just to show you our starting point. So, this is an illustration that I've created based on an Adobe stock clip and I've separated the layers, so when we import them into After Effect we'll have access to each one of them individually. I also made sure to create a secondary art board for the layers that go outside of the boundaries of this main outboard. And this is important if you want to keep this information intact. All right, so we'll return back to After Effect, we're going to say goodbye to these comp and start from scratch. So I'll double-click to invoke the input dialogue…
