From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Poster time and thumbnails

Poster time and thumbnails - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Poster time and thumbnails

- [Instructor] You may have heard about Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbalina. She was a tiny figure, only the size of a little finger. And in that fairy tale there was a distinct contrast between her tiny body and her courage and sharp intellect. What's that got to do with After Effects you ask? Well, inside After Effects there are a few places that allows you to modify thumbnails, also known as poster frames of your compositions. This way, you can better indicate their content. Here, let me show you what I mean and how to change them. So, I have this spaceship morph composition here. Just going to press play so you can see what I'm working on. And first of all, it is way too big. So I'm going to go over here where I have this full exposed, and then I'm going to use the region of interest in order to let's say crop just this section of this composition. This is going to create a better thumbnail for us. So I'm going to go to the Composition menu after defining this area, and I'm going…
