From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Object orientation

Object orientation

- [Instructor] When animating in After Effects, there are cases when you need to orient objects or type relative to the points of a path or other specified position. Here are a few techniques that will help you control the path direction as well as convert path to position and orient objects to it. So, here we are looking at an illustration made by Itamar Daube, and you can check his website to see more of his work. This is for what it's worth Danny Sanderson, one of my favorite Israeli musician, singer, song writer, and guitarist, and we are going to use this vector version of him to demonstration a couple of orientation methods inside After Effects. So I'm going to pause the playback for the final one. I'm going to close it, and let's begin with this one which is completely stationary. First and foremost, we need to take these line vectors and convert them to an After Effects path. Now because these were done using Illustrator, the easiest and most efficient way to…
