From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Match composition duration

Match composition duration - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Match composition duration

- [Eran] Welcome to After Effects Weekly. My name is Eran Stern and in the next three episodes, I'll show you a few workarounds that will help you solve a few limitations when working with pre-comps in After Effects, starting with comps duration. So as you know, Photoshop and Illustrator files work really well in After Effects, which means when you import an multilayered PSD or AI document, you can decide how you want to bring those layers. But you do need to pay attention to the last comp duration settings in After Effects before you import the file, otherwise you will maybe need to work a lot if you need to change the duration. Let me show you what I mean. I'm first going to create a new comp here. Now, the preset doesn't really matter. Just pay attention to the duration. It is set to five seconds. I'll click OK and then, I know you got attached to it, but I'm going to delete this composition. Now I'll double click…
