From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Logo repeater

Logo repeater

- Hello, and welcome to another episode of After Effects Weekly. My name is Aaron Stern and this time, we'll create a fun interlude using one of my favorite shape operator tools, the repeater. So this is what it will look like at the end. (upbeat music) Of course this is just one version of many possibilities this function has to offer. Okay, escape out of full screen and we'll create a new comp so you can join me if you want. There are no exercise files for this course but we are starting from scratch. So I'm going to create a new composition. I'm going to call this one Hot Stuff after the text that will appear on screen in a moment. I'll keep this preset, so, 1080 24 frames per second. I'll change the duration here to eight seconds and I'll press okay. First let's type in our text, so I'll grab the horizontal type tool. I'll click somewhere over here and I'll write the word Hot and then Stuff. Okay, so this seems…
