From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Fast bokeh

Fast bokeh

- [Instructor] In this AE Weekly tape, I'll show you a free plugin that will help you to control depth of field in post and works faster and better to my opinion than the built-in Camera Lens Blur. So before I'll show you what it can do, here is where you can get it. You need to go to Here you can read all about this tool, and if you'll scroll to the end of the page, you can also download it for free. Now note that there are two versions. The free one, which I'll show you in a moment, as well as the Pro that offers more options. And if you find these options useful, you can upgrade directly from the plug-in itself. So once you download and extract it, you need to install it inside the After Effects Plug-In's Folder. Then, restart After Effects and now we can get to work. So I obviously did this ahead of time, and I'm going to use this composition to show you how you can take advantage of it. So…
