From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Eyedropper tips

Eyedropper tips

- [Instructor] Hey you, yes you. Did you ever try to use the eyedropper in After Effects to sample a color outside of the application frame, say from a web browser or even your desktop and came away empty handed? If so, let me show you how to make it work as well as another nifty trick when using the eyedropper inside After Effects. So I've opened up these nice logo animation designed and animated by Studio Awesome in Tel-Aviv. And except for the white colors of the logo, the pie shape and the particles are in the wrong colors. So I needed to fix that. And to do it, I've already opened the company website on Chrome but it can be any browser or literally anything outside the After Effects application frame. So first I'll select the relevant layers here in the timeline partner and search for the word color. This will expose the color values that I want to affect. The field color of the pie shape as well as the particle…
