From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Extracting Cinema 4D layers

Extracting Cinema 4D layers - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Extracting Cinema 4D layers

- [Eran] In last week tip I have showed you how you can use the Cineware effect to extract 3D passes from a Cinema 4D file. This time around we will expand even further and I'm going to show you how you can isolate individual elements from a 3D scene using the layers method. So, in order to show you what you need to setup, I'm going to switch to Cinema 4D where I already have this file open in the background. And just so you'll see what I have in this document, I'm going to press Command + R here on the Mac, this will be Control + R on the PC side, in order to render this frame. And as you can see, we have this Shadow Catcher layer. This is just a plain layer which is serving as a shadow catcher, so it means that it can see the shadow on the floor. Now I really want this to be available inside After Effect so I can create a better composite. And in order to do so, I can use the layer panel here inside Cinema 4D and setup different elements or different objects as different layers. So,…
