From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Cut out stop-motion animation

Cut out stop-motion animation - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Cut out stop-motion animation

- [Eran] Hey everyone, Eran Stern here with another episode of After Effects Weekly. And in this episode, I'll show you a recipe to create a cut out, stop-motion effect from live footage. This technique is based on a real world project made by Studio Alan Feinberg, ST/AF for short. You can check their work at, and if you want to take a closer look at this specific project, it is called Couch Surfers 2. Anyway, in this movie we'll concentrate on the cut out effect, saving the fan-like animation for a future episode. So stay tuned for that. But for now, let's switch comps to this begin comp, where I have all the elements, and this is the main actor, for what it's worth, his name is Yaron. So you can see that this comp includes three layers. One comp for the background 3D elements, one comp for the foreground elements, and another one with a paper texture that I'll come back to towards the end. But for now I'm going to double click on the second comp, and you can see that I've…
