From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Creating fan cards animation

Creating fan cards animation - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Creating fan cards animation

- [Evan] Hey everyone. Evan Stern here with another After Effects weekly tip. And in this episode I'll show you how you can create this fan cards animation which is not only fan it's also fun as well. So we are going to use this project which was made by studio staff in Tel Aviv as a type of sequence intro for a TV series named Couch Surfers. All right I am going to stop the playback and I'm going to open up this comp named Fan Effect Begin. Here in this comp we have a couple of things from the first scene. I'm just going to press the space bar so you can get a sense of what I mean. So I've just isolated the first actor his name is Yaron. And cut out animation that we are seeing here was explained in a previous tip from Season One. So if you want to see how this was made go ahead and check this episode. But now we are going to create the fan effect. And in order to create it I have two layers of Yaron over here. The first player is a stop motion animation. So you can see that he is…
