From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Contact shadows

Contact shadows

- [Instructor] In this episode, I'll continue with what we've created last week, which is this castle clip that I've tracked using the 3D Camera Tracker, and then, edit the title and the tree here. Both of them automatically placed at the correct coordinates thanks to the fact that we've set the ground plane and origin. However, to my eye, they are still look a bit floating over the ground, and one of the reasons is that we are missing some sort of a contact shadow. So, let me show you how to set it up for both the castle layer, as well as the tree. All right, I'll start by selecting the castle layer over here, and then, I'll press command + d, control + d on the PC side, to duplicate it. I'll double-click on this little T, which will select the entire word, and then I'll hold down shift, and I'll write the word, The, just to make sure that we know that this is the castle, and not just a castle. Okay, I'm going to reduce the…
