From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Compositing sky and birds

Compositing sky and birds - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Compositing sky and birds

- Welcome to After Effects Weekly. I'm your host, Eran Stern. And in this episode, we are going to finish this shot by extracting the birds and then replacing the sky. Now, in case you are just joining us now, here is a quick summary of what happened in the previous episodes. So first we've tracked this wall and building using the Mocha AE plug-in, and then we've composited the painting on top of it. And now our last task is to key out the flock of birds that flies above and also replace the boring sky with some interesting clouds, while respecting the parallax in the shot. All right, so first let's deal with the birds. I'm going to scrub to let's say this frame. Frame 17 and then zoom in by pressing the period key and then press and hold the space bar to get the temporary hand tool, pan across the scene. Just so we can see the problem with those birds. So let's try to fix it as much as we can. I'll grab…
