From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Camera control

Camera control

- [Instructor] Like in real life, the camera in After Effects is quite difficult to control. Sometimes, it bounce back and forth when you are animating it and, other times, it's just behave in an unexpected way. So here are a few techniques that will help you to control your After Effects camera better than before. All right, so this is the scene that we are working with. We have the A-ha logo. These are the three members of this band as well as an upside down logo for a show that they did for MTV. So go ahead and look for it if you haven't seen it. But, for now, let's just animate this trailer. And my aim here is to get some sort of fancy camera move as easy as possible and then flip it to the other side so we'll get to see the name of the channel where the program is going to be aired. All right, so let's go to the beginning here and, before we begin, just few technical specification. We are using the Cinema 4D renderer,…
