From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Audio breakdown

Audio breakdown

- [Instructor] We all know that After Effects is not an audio program by any definition. however, sometimes you are under crazy deadlines and must deliver a final render and there is just not enough time to master the audio in the dedicated application. If this happens to you, I'm sure that you will appreciate this week's tip. Where, I'm going to show you how to create a final chord, using the Reverb Effect. So, just to remind you what we're working with, I'm going to continue from last week, where we already created a fade out at the end of the space, so this is what we have so far. (upbeat music) (car engine roars) (car revs) Well, these sounds nice, but I really like to end this with a big bang. So instead of using the stereo mixer to create a fade out, I'm going to select and delete it completely. Now, I want to scrub the timeline and look for some sort of an audio cue that I can use to end this space with echoing note. So, if you want to hear while you are scrubbing, you can add…
