From the course: After Effects Weekly

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2D to 3D projection mapping

2D to 3D projection mapping - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

2D to 3D projection mapping

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to After Effects Weekly. Eran Stern here, and in this episode I'll show you how to create this simple 3D tracking camera from a 2D image. All of this using a light projection. We'll also add some handheld movement to the camera to make it less synthetic and more natural looking. Alright, so I'll escape out of full screen. I'll close this composition, I'll create a new composition. I'll name it "basic 3D projection," and for this, I'm going to choose the second preset. So HD, 25 frames per second, and the duration in my case is six seconds but you can make it a bit longer if you like to. I'll click okay and I'll start by adding this Adobe stock image, this is from their free collection, to this composition. While the layer is selected I'll go to the layer menu and under transform, I'm going to choose to fit this image to the comp width. The next step is to create five different solids,…
