From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Path operators

Path operators

- [Narrator] Shape layers can further be refined by using path operators. The repeater we used in the last movie is one such operator. Here in this movie, we'll take a look at a few different operators. Let's come over here to trim paths, the second composition. The trim paths operator allows us to take a path and draw on only a portion of that path. In effect, we can animate on or off our path. So let's see that in action. Let's come up to our pen tool, and we'll disable the fill, we'll leave the stroke at black, and give it a pixel width of 10. And I'll make sure that we have RotoBezier enabled. Then, in the composition window, I'll click somewhere here on the left, and, again, somewhere on the right. It doesn't necessarily need to be a straight line here, 'cause I'm going to use the path operators to make some changes. Let's twirl down our shape layer. And with our shape selected, let's come out here to the flyout…
